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1-day Teacher Intensive: Super Suryas - the magic of Creative Namaskars I Haarlem

  • Glow Yogastudio 35 Nieuwe Groenmarkt Haarlem, NH, 2011 TT Netherlands (map)

Yes! Lets get together and allow our creativity to flow!

During this 1-day intensive for vinyasa yoga teachers we will explore the logic and intelligence behind the art of creating your own namaskars. Although Surya Namaskar A and B are a very good and solid way to awaken and strentghen the body, it can be very efficient, creative and fun to create your own namaskars for your vinyasa yoga sequences.

Daphne will be sharing tips and tricks from her own experience, in a structured and interactive way. She will offer several creative namaskars for different pathways of flow. We will be analyzing these namaskars as a foundation for creating our own, while keeping the level of our students in mind.

We will be creating and practicing together so at the end of the day you will have plenty of inspiration to spice up your vinyasa classes in a safe and smart way.




Looking forward to seeing you and practice with you again!!



Location: Cricketveld Bloemendaal or Glow Yogastudio (depending on weather)

Price: € 90,-

Part of Yoga Allliance Continuing Education Program